Parent Volunteer Information
Mandatory Volunteer Background Checks
Background investigations are required for all volunteers and must be done every two years. In addition, fingerprinting is required for overnight chaperones, volunteers, and student teachers who have unsupervised access to students either on or off school property. Unsupervised access is defined as an adult having responsibility for a student or students not in the direct and continuous view of a school staff member, regardless of how brief the unsupervised time. SPHS administration requires that anyone working a dressing room with students requires fingerprinting; this applies to both Fall Production and Rock n Roll Revival. If you are fingerprinted, you do not need to do a separate background check.
Full information on the background check and fingerprinting process, including forms, can be found on the AACPS chaperone page.
Background investigations forms must be submitted online a minimum of three weeks prior to the event. Applicants are required to review and acknowledge the AACPS screening criteria for chaperone and volunteer background investigations before applying for a background check.